Posts tagged “quality education

Education = LIFE

 “Education is an instrument in helping our country become progressive.”

What does this mean? Isn’t it that education is the key to success?

Upon hearing the word “education,” the thing that comes first to our minds is “school.” Why? Because it is at school where we stay with our teachers and where we learn more from basic to higher level; however, we should not forget that it is at our homes where we first learned and there we learned the most basic thing in life – to understand things through manual communication.

In order to be educated, we need educators. Educators play a big role in imparting the love for education to students. They encourage us students to reach our ambitions, maintain self-discipline, improve or develop our mental, moral and physical powers and to have a creative way of thinking so, a good relationship between an educator and a student is important.

Our values are also part of education, but as they say “values are caught and not taught’. Our educators can’t give what they don’t have, so we students should be aware of our attitudes (especially the bad ones). We need to have positive values in order to have a good or even the best education for we students, are the hope of the nation. If we will all have a good education, then our country will surely have a good future.

Education doesn’t only mean preparation for life but it has something to do with the whole being and with the whole period of life of a person because to be educated doesn’t have an end. We are free to use our knowledge yet we should use it in the proper way to be able to achieve our goals.

Thus, education is a preparation for life, education is growth, and education is LIFE itself.